staking4ADA — Pool Updates
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Low fee, solar powered Cardano stakepools.
reliable staking for all wallet sizes.
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Epoch 488 Result
4ADA: 95% 32/32) - 1 slot battle won
F4ADA: 104% (10/10) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep487 result)
4ADA: 108%
F4ADA: 52% (all assigned slots successfully minted)

Epoch 489 max rewards
4ADA: 89% 😐
F4ADA: 31% 🤮 probably the lowest in F4ADA's history...

Happy staking—well, most of the time! 💫
Epoch 489 Result
4ADA: 86% 29/30) - 1 lost slot battle
F4ADA: 31% (3/3) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep488 result)
4ADA: 95%
F4ADA: 104%

Epoch 490 max rewards
4ADA: 84% ☹️
F4ADA: 115% 😃

Happy staking—well, at least some of the time! 💫
Epoch 490 Result
4ADA: 81% 28/29) - 1 lost slot battle
F4ADA: 115% (11/11) - 2 slot battles won

Rewards payment (from ep489 result)
4ADA: 86%
F4ADA: 31% (all blocks successfully minted)

Epoch 491 max rewards
4ADA: 111% 😄
F4ADA: 94% 😐

Happy staking! ☀️
Epoch 491 Result
4ADA: 108% 37/38) - 1 lost slot battle
F4ADA: 94% (9/9) - 1 slot battle won

Rewards payment (from ep490 result)
4ADA: 81%
F4ADA: 115%

Epoch 492 max rewards
4ADA: 117% 😄
F4ADA: 126% 🥳

Happy staking! ☀️
Remember, investing is a game where value flows from the less patient to the more patient...
Epoch 492 Result
4ADA: 117% 40/40) - 1 won slot battle
F4ADA: 126% (12/12) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep491 result)
4ADA: 108%
F4ADA: 94%

Epoch 493 max rewards
4ADA: 119% 😄
F4ADA: 116% 😁

Happy staking! ☀️
Epoch 493 Result
4ADA: 113% 38/40) - 2 slot battles lost
F4ADA: 97% (11/12) - 1 slot missed due to slow restart of backup node during the DDOS-event (re-starting took 25 minutes instead of usual 4). In hindsight restarting wasn't really necessary but we didn't want to take any risk and slow restarts weren't known yet 💀)

Rewards payment (from ep492 result)
4ADA: 117%
F4ADA: 126%

Epoch 494 max rewards
4ADA: 115% 😄
F4ADA: 63% 😤

Happy staking! ☀️
Epoch 494 Result
4ADA: 115% 38/38) - no battles
F4ADA: 63% (6/6) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep493 result)
4ADA: 113%
F4ADA: 97%

Epoch 495 max rewards
4ADA: 76% 😒
F4ADA: 117% 😃

Happy staking! ☀️
Epoch 495 Result
4ADA: 73% 24/25) - 1 lost slot battle
F4ADA: 106% (10/11) - 1 lost slot battle

Rewards payment (from ep494 result)
4ADA: 115%
F4ADA: 63% (all assigned slots successfully minted)

Epoch 496 max rewards
4ADA: 101% 😁
F4ADA: 96% 🙂

Happy staking and a warm welcome to all new delegators! ☀️
Epoch 496 Result
4ADA: 98% (33/34) - 1 lost slot battle
F4ADA: 96% (9/9) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep495 result)
4ADA: 73%
F4ADA: 106%

Epoch 497 max rewards
4ADA: 94% 😐
F4ADA: 64% 😣

Happy staking!☀️
Epoch 497 Result
4ADA: 94% (32/32) - 1 won slot battle
F4ADA: 64% (6/6) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep496 result)
4ADA: 98%
F4ADA: 96%

Epoch 498 max rewards
4ADA: 134% 🥳
F4ADA: 139% 🥳

Happy staking!☀️
Epoch 498 Result
4ADA: 128% (43/45) - 2 lost slot battles
F4ADA: 128% (12/13) - 1 lost slot battle

Rewards payment (from ep497 result)
4ADA: 94% (all slots successfully minted)
F4ADA: 64% (all slots successfully minted)

Epoch 499 max rewards
4ADA: 98% 🙂
F4ADA: 86% ☹️

Happy staking! 💫
Epoch 499 Result
4ADA: 95% (32/33) - 1 won slot battle, 1 block orphaned due to a slow pool scheduled 1 second before us and propagating its block too late.
F4ADA: 86% (8/8) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep498 result)
4ADA: 128%
F4ADA: 128%

Epoch 500 max rewards
4ADA: 110% 😁
F4ADA: 182% 🤩

Have a great 500th epoch, with comfortable rewards for 4ADA and almost double rewards for F4ADA! 💫
Epoch 500 Result
4ADA: 106% (36/37) - 1 won slot battle, 1 lost slot battle
F4ADA: 182% (17/17) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep499 result)
4ADA: 95%
F4ADA: 86%

Epoch 501 max rewards
4ADA: 110% 😁
F4ADA: 108% 😁

Happy Staking! 💫
Epoch 501 Result
4ADA: 101% (35/37) - 2 lost slot battles
F4ADA: 100% (9/10) - 1 lost slot battle

Rewards payment (from ep500 result)
4ADA: 106%
F4ADA: 182%

Epoch 502 max rewards
4ADA: 125% 🥳
F4ADA: 143% 😍

Happy Staking! 💫

P.S. due to holidays we're a bit late with our epoch report every now and then, but no worries, the pools are under strict surveillance 24/7. In fact, we're now ready for Chang HF as all of our relays and block producers are upgraded to the latest version.💪
Epoch 502 Result
4ADA: 120% (41/42) - 1 lost slot battles, 2 won slot battles
F4ADA: 143% (13/13) - 1 won slot battle

Rewards payment (from ep501 result)
4ADA: 101%
F4ADA: 100%

Epoch 503 max rewards
4ADA: 110% 🥳
F4ADA: 131% 😍

Both pools are currently on a fantastic streak, for what it's worth as some decent price action would make a much bigger difference. We're not in it for the money really aren't we? Happy Staking! 💫
Epoch 504 Result
4ADA: 152% (51/51) - 1 won slot battle
F4ADA: 77% (7/7) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep503 result)
4ADA: 104%
F4ADA: 131%

Epoch 505 max rewards
4ADA: 113% 😃
F4ADA: 118% 😃

Since we started minting blocks during the very first shelley-epoch on mainnet, just over 4 years ago [wháát has it been 4 years already?—yes it has!] , we never missed an epoch report ...until epoch 503. Sorry for that folks! We're on vacation and it somehow just slipped through 😁. Pools have been and still are minting flawlessly though. We're ready to hardfork!!

Happy staking ☀️
Haha, I now see it. Turns out we never missed epoch 503—it's there, i just posted it in the pool talk channel instead of the Pool Updates channel 🤦‍♂️
Epoch 505 Result (projection with 2 slots to go)
4ADA: 113% (38/38) - no battles
F4ADA: 118% (11/11) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep504 result)
4ADA: 152%
F4ADA: 77% (all slots successfully minted)

Epoch 506 max rewards
4ADA: 95% 🙂
F4ADA: 118% 😃

Happy staking! ☀️
Epoch 506 Result
4ADA: 89% (30/32) - two lost slot battles
F4ADA: 118% (11/11) - no battles

Rewards payment (from ep505 result)
4ADA: 113%
F4ADA: 118%

Epoch 507 max rewards
4ADA: 89% 😐
F4ADA: 86% 😏

Happy Chang everyone! A few hours ago we successfully and smoothly stepped into full decentralization, and 4ADA minted the 10th block in the new Conway era 🥳 :

Upwards and always onwards—happy staking! ☀️
Epoch 507 Result
4ADA: 89% (30/30) - 1 slot battle won
F4ADA: 86% (8/8) - 1 height battle won, 1 slot battle won

Rewards payment (from ep506 result)
4ADA: 89%
F4ADA: 118%

Epoch 508 max rewards
4ADA: 115% 😁
F4ADA: 54% 😩

Happy staking! 💫